Embed a viewer on a Website

For this extra task we are going to look at embedding Mirador and the Universal Viewer into a web page. The first thing we need as a place to publish our website and we are going to use Github and the Workbench as we've been using that through the course as a way of publishing our Manifests and images.

The Workbench acts as a front end to Github but doesn't currently have the functionality to allow editing of Websites so we are going to go into Github and use its editor. It is possible to do this without using the Workbench and look at setting up Github Pages on your own repository.

In this example we are going to use the following project:


Which has the following Github repository:


Embedding the Universal Viewer

Embedding the Universal Viewer and Mirador follow very similar patterns but the embed code (Step 3) is different.

Step 1: Find your Github repository

The way to find your Github repository from the Workbench is to open up your project and select the Files tab at the top:

Project workbench page

Then click the Github icon highlighted below:

Files workbench page

This will take you to the Github repository:

Github repository

Step 2: Add a new Web Page

Now we have our repository open we want to create a new file. So click the add file button and select "Create new file":

Create new file button

Once you click on the new file you will be presented with the interface below where you can type the contents of the file. If you are familiar with HTML then you can name the file with a .html extension and put your HTML in the text box. For this example we are going to use Markdown which makes it easier to write a web page.

The first task is to choose a name for your file and I've gone for uv.md the .md tells Github this is a Markdown file.

Name file uv.html

You can see a full list of Markdown tags but in this example I am using # to denote a heading and just adding some text. You can copy and paste the following:

# This page will show the Universal Viewer and my Manifest

This is a short intro and the viewer will appear below:

Editing markdown

Now we need to find the code to add the UV to this page. If you leave this tab open and navigate back to your Workbench website (https://iiif-test.github.io/Space/index.html) we need to open your manifest in the UV.

Step 3: Finding the Universal Viewer Embed code

If you open up your manifest in the following version of the Universal Viewer


Note: do not use the UV version at http://universalviewer.io as the embed funconality is currently borken.

Scroll down to where you can add your Manifest ID. Paste your manifest URL in the text box and click Set IIIF Manifest id.

UV set manifest id

You can also edit the following URL to directly open your Manifest:


We can find the embed code by clicking on the share icon at the bottom of the UV and then the embed tab:

Share and embed screenshot of the UV

Then copy the embed code which starts with <iframe and adjust the size of desired.

Copy embed code screenshot

Step 4: Paste the embed code into the Github webpage

Now paste the embed code into the Github markdown file:

paste embed code

Now save your file by clicking the Commit changes button and then when the dialog appears click Commit changes again.

save changes

Now we have created our Universal Viewer page we want to add it to the main website so we can navigate to it. From the main repository screen click the index.md file.

view index

Now click the edit pencil icon to edit this file:

edit index

Now if you scroll down to the bottom of the page and add the following Markdown:

### Web pages

 * [Universal viewer](uv.md)

This will create a heading Web Pages and a list with a link called Universal viewer which once clicked will navigate to uv.md. Once you have done this click commit changes as you did before.

add text to main page

Note: you may need to scroll up to the top of the page to see the commit button.

Step 6: Wait for the website to deploy

If you navigate to the main page of your repository by clicking the Code tab at the top of the page. You should see a orange circle highlighted below:

Website building

Wait until this has turned to a green tick as show below:

Website deployed

Then you can check to see if your changes have worked. You can click on the link on the right hand side of your repository to take you straight to the website:

Step 7: View your website

Now scroll to the bottom of the page and you should see the new heading and link to the UV:

Website main page

Following that link you should get to the UV with your manifest loaded.

UV page

Embedding Mirador

Embedding Mirador is similar to the UV. We need to start by adding a new Web page in the same way as Step 2 above. I am going to navigate to my main Github repository:


and click Add file then + Create new file. In this case I am going to call it mirador.md and add the following text:

# This page will show Mirador my Manifest

This is a short intro and the Mirador viewer will appear below:

Edit the mirador web page

I now need to embed Mirador. Unforunately Mirador doesn't have the same easy way of embedding as the UV but its possible to use a hosted version and place it into your page by using an iframe. An iframe places a remote web page into your webpage. A iframe looks as follows:

<iframe width="100%" height="600" src="https://projectmirador.org/embed/?iiif-content=https://iiif-test.github.io/Space/manifests/ganymede-2021-06-07.json"></iframe>

The URL in the src attribute needs to be changed so that after the iiif-content= it contains a link to your Manifest. The width and height are required so that the iframe doesn't squeeze Mirador into too small a box. Once you have done this your mirador.md should look as follows:

Mirador embed web page

Now click commit changes and in the dialog click commit changes. Next we want to update the main page to include a link to this new page. So similar to Step 5 navigate to the main page of your repository and click the index.md file and then the pencil icon to start editing.

Scroll to the bottom of the index.md file and add a link to Mirador next to the UV one:

 * [Mirador](mirador.md)

Once completed it should look as follows:

Index page with links to UV and Mirador

Then scroll to the top of the page and click Commit changes. Then click the Code tab to get back to the main repository page. You should now see the orange dot as mentioned in Step 6. Wait for this to turn green and when it does you can go to your Github pages site to see the new page.

Mirador on Github Pages

Last modified by Glen Robson 2024-06-19 16:49:54
Created by Glen Robson 2024-06-19 12:49:38

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