Uses of the Image API

The Image URL can be used in the same way as a normal image and has lots of practical uses.

Embedding on web pages:

example iiif image

A home teaching background for a menu:

menu example

Smithsonian Record

Zoom Viewer:

The most common use case is to show the image in a viewer like OpenSeaDragon:

National Museum of Sweden

Some places embed a IIIF Image into their content management system and it means they don't need to use the Presentation API. For example:

Magistrate Heurlin's Residence Truveholm in Västergötland


The tool is another example which works just with the Image API.

Last modified by Simeon Warner 2023-11-08 06:25:01
Created by Simeon Warner 2023-11-08 06:25:01

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    No results matching ""