
Feel for the volunteers who did all 1,000 pages!


Looking at the annotation:

  "@id" : "",
  "@type" : "oa:Annotation",
  "dcterms:created" : "2019-06-05T10:49:24",
  "resource" : [ {
    "@id" : "_:b2",
    "@type" : "dctypes:Text",
    "" : "<span property=\"ns:rank\" class=\"rank\">Ty.Sub.Lt. <span property=\"ns:name\" class=\"name\">Eric Hugh Allan <span property=\"ns:unit\" class=\"unit\">R.N.R <span property=\"ns:ship\" class=\"ship\">Bombala",
    "format" : "text/html",
    "chars" : "<p><span property=\"ns:rank\" class=\"rank\">Ty.Sub.Lt.</span> <span property=\"ns:name\" class=\"name\">Eric Hugh Allan</span> <span property=\"ns:unit\" class=\"unit\">R.N.R</span> <span property=\"ns:ship\" class=\"ship\">Bombala</span></p>"
  } ],
  "on" : {
    "@id" : "_:b0",
    "@type" : "oa:SpecificResource",
    "within" : "",
    "selector" : {
      "@id" : "_:b1",
      "@type" : "oa:FragmentSelector",
      "value" : "xywh=488,1543,2735,327"
    "full" : ""
  "motivation" : [ "oa:commenting" ],
  "@context" : ""

Looking more closely at the Annotation body:

        <span property=\"ns:rank\" class=\"rank\">Ty.Sub.Lt.</span>
        <span property=\"ns:name\" class=\"name\">Eric Hugh Allan</span>
        <span property=\"ns:unit\" class=\"unit\">R.N.R</span>
        <span property=\"ns:ship\" class=\"ship\">Bombala</span>

This uses RDF/A which is linked data hidden inside HTML. The HTML is what Mirador displays in the annotation but it can also be loaded to a Linked Data database and queried. For example this is looking at all the places listed in the book and putting them on a heat map:


and this is looking at the numbers lost per ship:


and doing a bit more research I found:


and a Newspaper article and blog post:


and this can be tied together into a presentation using the Exhibit tool:

A full export of the data is available at:

Looking at the Manifest in the Universal Viewer:

We can see a search box. Can you search for the annotation you created?

So how did that work?

Lets have a look at the Manifest:

The key part is this service definition:

"service": {

    "profile": "",
    "@id": "",
    "@context": ""


Which tells the UniversalViewer that there is a IIIF Search service available at the following location:

SAS contains a basic search implementation but you can see the results here if you search for Cardiff:

The search API is meant to replicate the PDF type search within so the parameters you can use are limited:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""