Launching Your Own Image Server

So, far we've seen some ways to get our images online and IIIF accessible with minimal effort. This is great for small or personal projects.

At the same time, we also need to think about solutions that scale. If you're working on a project with thousands of images or you're working at a large institution with a large repository of images, we need to think about different solutions.

Setting up your own image server means a little more set up time and it means that you're responsible for keeping this server running and maintained.

But it has the advantage of being scalable. Once set up, it allows you to serve thousands of images and easily add more.

In this section, we're going to see what it looks like to set up such server. You may or may not be responsible for setting up such a server, but it's good to see how it is done. This will help you work with project partners and help you see that setting up such a server isn't actually that difficult. :)

First let's just take a look at the Cantaloupe Landing Page to get a glimpse of what it can do.

We can notice things here like:

  • authorization policy
  • watermarking
  • customizable images sources (e.g. AWS S3, etc)

Again, if you're going to be responsible for serving images at scale or at the institutional level, then familiarity with images servers like Cantaloupe is important.

Installing Cantaloupe

So in this exercise, we're going to walk through setting up and running Cantaloupe.

There actually aren't that many steps to getting it up and running. But we can also look at few of the configuration properties to see how it can be modified and customized to meet various needs.

Running Cantaloupe on Your Local Computer

To start you need to download the Cataloupe build. Download Cantaloupe v5.0.6

Once downloaded, go to your downloads folder.

Unzip the download and you should have a new folder called cantaloupe-5.0.6.

Open cantaloupe-5.0.6 in vscode.

In this folder, there should be a file called Create a copy of this, called

We will modify some properties here later, but the default properties should be enough to get the instance working.

In vscode go to the terminal and run:

Mac $ java -Dcantaloupe.config=./ -Xmx2g -jar Cantaloupe-5.0.6.jar

Windows $ java -Dcantaloupe.config=.\ -Xmx2g -jar cantaloupe-5.0.6.jar

Now navigate to in your browser.

Running Cantaloupe in Code Spaces

Via github code spaces, I've configured a computer that already has Cantaloupe downloaded and installed.

You can find that link here

Click the "Launch in Code Space" button and give the Code Space time to set up.

And then run cantaloupe.

In the browser based vscode, go to the terminal and run:

In this folder, there should be a file called Create a copy of this, called

Then in the terminal run

$ java -Dcantaloupe.config=./ -Xmx2g -jar Cantaloupe-5.0.6.jar

Change the port visibility to "public" and then follow the Code Space prompts to view your working instance in browser.

Configuring Cantaloupe

We won't explore all the ways you can configure Cantaloupe, but let's make a few changes so we can get a sense of what's possible.

Most of the configuration we're going to explore consists of enabling or disabling various configuration properties.

We've already created this configuration file, called

Adding Your Own Images

Let's hook up cantaloupe to your own images.

On your local computer

Find or create a new directory of images somewhere on your computer and call it myImages.

Now you just need to get the full path to this image directory.

  • In Terminal, navigate to the folder and type $pwd
  • In vscode, right click on the directory and select copy path
  • In Finder, right click a file within the target folder, select Get Info, and then copy the value of the "Where" property
  • In windows explorer, do something similar.

Now in the FilesystemSource section of the properties file, we want to change the value of FilesystemSource.BasicLookupStrategy.path_prefix to something that looks like this:

FilesystemSource.BasicLookupStrategy.path_prefix = /path/to/myImages/

As the comments note, make sure there is a trailing slash.


In Code Space

In Code Space, I've already created an images folder with a demo images, so you should change this to...

FilesystemSource.BasicLookupStrategy.path_prefix = ./images/

As the comments note, make sure there is a trailing slash.

In Code Space you should be able to see your sample image here:


To add your own images right click on images and select upload

Enabling the admin dashboard

Now that we've edited the properties file, let's enable the admin dashboard so we have a more user friendly way to configure the server.

Scroll down to the block that says:

# Enables the Control Panel, at /admin.

change the value of .enabled to true and add temporary password like test

endpoint.admin.enabled = true
endpoint.admin.username = admin
endpoint.admin.secret = test

Now head over to http://localhost:8182/admin and use the credential to log in

Now you can continue configuring either by editing the properties file or in the web GUI.

Overlays and Water Marks

Let's add some overlays and water marks. It might be the case that your institution has sensitive data that needs a watermark or some kind attribution statement.

In the web GUI, head down to "overlays"

String Overlay

Make sure Basic Strategy Enabled is checked.

Navigate down to "Basic Strategy (String)" and type the string that you want overlayed.

Maybe something like "My DHSI Images 2024"

Now take a look at any of your served images, and you should see the overlay.

Using the other properties you can experiment with the font size, position.

Image Overlay

You can just easily overlay an image, perhaps as institutional logo that you want to accompany an image.

This can be done by changing the BasicStrategy.Type from 'String' to 'Image'

Then you need to add a .png to the Cantaloupe working directory and indicate that file path in the "Image File" property.

So here you should change overlay-sample.png to name-of-your-overlay.png after depositing that file in the working directory.


Notice at the bottom that if you had more advanced needs, like redacting certain parts of the image, this is possible as well. You would need to enable redaction and then write the instructions for which part of which image needs to be redacted.

That's an advanced use case but it's nice to know its there.

Serving HTTP images.

And pretty cool feature of Cataloupe is that we can serve images from other locations: for example from some web location.

This means that if your images are already published somewhere on-line, but not yet available via the IIIF protocols, you can leave them where they are and point them at a web location.

Cantaloupe will request those images, and then re-serve them in a IIIF compliant way.

To see this, we need to navigate the "Source" section, and change the StaticSource from FilesystemSource to HttpSource

Then under HttpSource set the URL Prefix to a http url where images can be found.

Here's an example you can use.

Here's a path to a bunch of flag images:

At this location, several images of flags can be accessed. For example ht-flag.jpg, us-flag.jpg, ca-flag.jpg, de-flag.jpg etc. But they are not accessible via iiif.

Instead of downloading all these images and then uploading them to my cantaloupe server, I could just point Cantaloupe at the containing url location, namely:

So take this url as the value of the URL Prefix property, and hit save.

Now check out the canadian flag served as a IIIF image.

Try rotating in 90 degrees. http://localhost:8182/iiif/3/ca-flag.jpg/full/max/90/default.jpg

Try requesting it as gray scale http://localhost:8182/iiif/3/ca-flag.jpg/full/max/90/gray.jpg

Try requesting ias a thumbnail http://localhost:8182/iiif/3/ca-flag.jpg/full/50,/90/default.jpg

Try looking at other flags, by changing the two letter country code in the image name to the country of your choice. (With a little guess work about the right two letter prefix, you can usually find your way to the country flag of interest.)

AWS S3 Connection

An even better, scalable, approach is to point cataloupe at an AWS S3 bucket. This is very similar to the HTTP location approach but allows you to point to AWS S3 bucket.

AWS S3 is a very cost effective way to store and serve large amounts of static content, like images.

If you have S3 bucket, this is a great way to store your image content.

You can then point your Cantaloupe server to the S3 bucket and re-serve those images in a IIIF compliant way.

In this case you need to change the Static Source to S3Source

Then in the S3Source tab, you need to supply:

  • The name of your S3 Bucket
  • Your Access Key ID
  • Your Secret Key

Basic Auth

While a driving goal of IIIF is openness, sometimes institutions have sensitive information that needs to be restricted.

In such cases, an enterprise level server like Cantaloupe can help you with these issues.

We won't implement anything in detail here, but it's important to have a sense of how it works and how you could take it further.

Different institutions will have different authorization and authentication needs, so this a place that each institution will like implement its own policy.

But Cantaloupe comes with a way to implement custom rules and policies, namely through its CustomDelegate Class.

In this case we're going to implement a very simple authentication procedure called basic auth.

To do this, we first need to enable the delegate script as follows:

delegate_script.enabled = true

or navigate to Application, Delegate Script, and check enabled in the web ui.

When you downloaded Cantaloupe it came with a file called delgates.rb.sample. We're going to make a copy of this and name it delegates.rb

At the top of this file were going to add:

require 'base64'

And then at the bottom of the CustomDelegate Class declaration (before the very last end), we going to add a few class methods that implement basic auth.

def pre_authorize(options = {})
    header = context['request_headers']
                 .select{ |name, value| name.downcase == 'authorization' }
    return true if authenticate_basic(header)
    return {
        'status_code' => 401,
        'challenge' => 'Basic realm="MyRealm" charset="UTF-8"'

  def authorize(options = {})

  def authenticate_basic(header)
    if header&.start_with?('Basic ')
      encoded = header[6..header.length - 1]
      creds = Base64.decode64(encoded).split(':')
      if creds.length > 1
        return (creds[0] == 'my_user' and creds[1] == 'my_secret')

As implemented here, 'my_user' will be the user name and my_secret will be the password.

Now the next time you request an image, your browser will be prompted to ask you for the username and password. Once supplied, your browser will re-request the image using the supplied authentication information.

Basic Auth is not a strong security protocol, so in full production you'll probably want to implement a more secure policy. That's a more complicated endeavor, but the delegates.rb file is the place where you would implement such a policy.

Have a look at the other comments in this delegates.rb files as it gives several examples of other kinds of customizations that can be implemented via the CustomDelegate class

Last modified by Jeffrey C. Witt 2024-06-04 02:27:55
Created by dnoneill 2024-05-20 18:52:53

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