Crowdsourcing transcriptions
- Cratylus - a crowd-sourced art tagging toolset.
- FromThePage - a crowdsourcing platform for archives and libraries where volunteers transcribe, index, and describe historic documents.
- Madoc - a flexible crowdsourcing, research and teaching platform for digitised collections.
- Zooniverse - A proof-of-concept, annotating a IIIF manifest with Zooniverse classification data. See also Importing images into Zooniverse with a IIIF manifest: introducing an experimental feature and Fun with IIIF on the ability to use IIIF to import media into the Zooniverse project builder.
CMS integrations
- IIIF Toolkit - IIIF Toolkit by University of Toronto Libraries is a plugin for Omeka Classic (2.3+) that integrates Mirador with a built-in annotator, a manifest generator, Simple Pages shortcodes and Exhibit Builder blocks for a rich presentation experience.
- AllMaps - Georeference manifest images with annotations.