Building/modifying a sample manifest

The concepts of the Presentataion API can be difficult to grasp until we actually start building a manifest.

Learning by doing: In production systems (such as a digital library's image collection), manifests can get very big and are usually machine generated, but for getting the basic concepts down, there's no substitute for making a manifest "by hand."

First, we're going to do this together.

Then, we'll send you off to make your own manifest (with some computational assistance).

Shared Manifest

Here I've created a basic manifest for all of us to share. As you'll notice, it is rather terse.

  "@context": "",
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "sc:Manifest",
  "sequences": [
      "@context": "",
      "@id": "",
      "@type": "sc:Sequence",
      "canvases": [
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "sc:Canvas",
          "height": 5000,
          "width": 3573,
          "images": [
              "@id": "",
              "@type": "oa:Annotation",
              "motivation": "sc:painting",
              "on": "",
              "resource": {
                "@id": "",
                "@type": "dctypes:Image",
                "format": "image/jpeg",
                "height": 5000,
                "width": 3573,
                "service": {
                  "@context": "",
                  "@id": "",
                  "profile": ""

There's also no substitute for reading the documentation behind a specification like this and actually using it to build something -- it can be quite empowering!

Therefore, in this activity, we want you with a partner to look at the IIIF Presentation API documentation and hunt for answers to the following questions.

When you think you've found the answer, add it to the manifest above -- you'll need to copy and paste it into a text editor or, better yet, a JSON editor.

When we're done, we'll go through the completed manifests together and compare answers.

  1. Give the manifest resource the following title: "A custom manifest for IIIF practice."
  2. Provide a short description of this manifest -- the content is up to you.
  3. Indicate that the manifest resource has a Creative Commons 4.0 by-nc-sa license.
  4. Tell the image viewer that this resource should be viewed from left to right.
  5. Create a second canvas, with appropriate ids.
  6. Indicate that the image for this second canvas has two facing pages and therefore when a viewer shows it in book view, it should not combine the image with an image before or after it.
  7. Give canvas 1 a title: "canvas number 1."
  8. Give canvas 2 a title: "canvas number 2."
  9. Add a second image to canvas 1 with a different image format, specifically "image/png."
  10. Give this second image a title: "alternative image for canvas 1."
Last modified by Peter Broadwell 2019-06-01 18:40:23
Created by Peter Broadwell 2019-06-01 04:44:54

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